Have You Thought Through the Concerns Which May Require an Estate Plan?

Posted by & filed under Estate Planning, Financial Planning, Legislation and Regulation Affecting Investments.

Estate Planning

Couples growing older together enjoy the enviable status of having a companion late into life. But in most such cases, one spouse eventually becomes widowed or a widower. It is difficult enough to deal with the loss of a spouse. It’s important to plan ahead as a couple to ensure that the surviving spouse isn’t caught off guard by taxation, income loss or other things that will change when they lose their spouse.

The widow or widower’s penalty: When one spouse passes away, the surviving spouse will start paying income taxes according to the “single” tax brackets. These brackets are much narrower than the “married filing jointly” brackets. The previous income stream may put the survivor in a tough tax situation.

For example, when spouses leave all of their retirement assets to each other, the required minimum distribution (RMD) for the surviving spouse might not change much when a spouse dies. But now, as a single filer, the survivor will have a smaller standard deduction and also be subject to those narrow individual tax brackets. Surviving spouses can find themselves exposed to higher tax rates. You can plan ahead to minimize the impact of the surviving spouses penalty.

Changes to household income: Suppose two spouses together received $5,000 per month of Social Security benefits ($3,000 and $2,000). When the first spouse dies, the surviving spouse keeps only the larger benefit. That means that the household’s Social Security income goes down by $2,000 per month.

Other factors: There may be circumstances in some marriages that could cause complications. If one spouse is significantly older than the other, if there are children from prior marriages, who is and will be collecting on your social security record and what is the family maximum benefit social security provides. Particularly, if there is a disabled adult child or a divorced wife collecting benefits on your social security record. How does the family maximum benefit affect social security benefits? You may want to consider these concerns. With the right plannng, documents and beneficiary designations in place these particulars don’t need to be problems.

Are you addressing the drop in Social Security income when your spouse dies? Is there a backup income stream?

Questions to consider to help you prepare: Think about these questions and gather some information. What would you want your spouse’s life to look like without you? How will your income change when one spouse passes away? Would the surviving spouse benefit from an additional stream of income? Is there a financial plan for the surviving spouse in case they need caregiving? How will property pass to the surviving spouse? Consider reviewing how your assets (real estate and financial accounts) are titled. Be sure to understand how those assets will transfer at the death of the first spouse. Is there individually owned property to consider?

Individually owned property might have to pass through probate. Where will the surviving spouse live? Could they maintain where they live now? The sale of the primary residence provides a capital gains tax break. The passing of a spouse will allow for a step up in cost basis Would they need to move closer to family or friends? Will assisted living or long-term care be needed? Downsizing can free up equity that can be used for care. Are there other beneficiaries to consider?

A surviving spouse should update beneficiary designations after the death of their spouse. Generally, there’s a need to name new primary and contingent beneficiaries. Should you consider establishing a trust? Some properties, such as vacation homes, can be placed in a trust to ensure a smooth transition to beneficiaries. Trusts can also be used to control the distribution of assets to beneficiaries, protect assets from creditors like hospitals and nursing homes if put toghether enough time in advance. In Pennsyvlania that is 5 years.

This can be helpful for beneficiaries who aren’t ready to manage money, those who may have special needs, younger beneficiaries such as grandchildren, making charitable contributions, using your unified credit wisely and preseving your assets in the event a creditor attempts to lay claim to your net worth.

Always consult your CPA, Attorney, Investment and Financial Advisor. The Investment Advisor dooes not offer tax or legal advice.

For further information contact The Investment Advisor at 1-877-414-9021

To Rollover Your 401k to an IRA or Not to Rollover, That is the Question?

Posted by & filed under Financial Planning, Investment Portfolio Management for Less, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, Retirement Plans.

Male doctor and his female colleagues talking to team of business people on a meeting in the hospital.

To Rollover Your 401k to an IRA or Not to Rollover, That is the Question?

The Answer Lies in Your Objectives and Your Personal Situation. This Article Provides a Broad Overview of Some of the Concerns to Help You Make This Important Decision. It is Not Meant as a Substitute for Advice and Counsel Relevant to Your Specific Circumstances. It Also Does Not Represent a Complete Discussion of All the Concerns Involved.

Some of the Benefits of Rolling Over Your 401k Include But Are Not Limited to:

1. Control:  Your Company’s 401k Plan is Controlled by the Trustee of the Plan. The Trustee of Your 401k Plan Has a Responsibility to Maintain Your Company’s 401k in the Best Interest of Your Company’s Employees Participating in the Plan and Their Beneficiaries. Quite Often the Trustee Will Delegate Day to Day Operations of the 401k Plan to a Plan Administrator. Your 401k Plan Administrator Also has a Fiduciary Responsibility to Administer Your Company’s 401k Plan in the Best Interest of Your Company’s Employees. By Rolling Over Your 401k Plan to an IRA Account You are Not Beholden to a Trustee or Plan Administrator to Make Decisions About Your Retirement Savings. You Maintain Direct Control.

A 401k Rollover Will Also Give You More Control Over Your Investments. For Example, Most 401k Plans May Only Allow You to Trade Your Investments Held in Your 401k at the Close of Business the Day You Buy or Sell Within Your 401k Plan. This Usually Includes Company Stock. IRA Accounts Allow You to Buy or Sell Your Investments at the Prevailing Price at the Time You Place Your Order.

You Should Note. Orders to Buy or Sell Mutual Funds in Most Cases Are Completed at the Close of Business That Day. Because Mutual Fund Shares Are Only Priced at the Close of Business. This is True Regardless of the Type of Account They Are Held in.

In a Time of Financial Uncertainty. Account Insurance Becomes a Concern. It is Important to Know Your Investments are Protected and Insured in the Event of a Default by the Financial Institution Holding Them. All Firms Carry a Mandated Level of Coverage by SIPC and FDIC for Investments and Savings. How Much a Financial Institution Covers Through Private Insurance in Excess of These Limits is Determined by Each Financial Institution Individually. Rolling Over Your 401k Into an IRA Allows You to Choose the Financial Institution With the Account Insurance You Want.

2. Investment Choice: Rolling Over Your 401k Into an IRA. Will Generally Give You More Choices About the Investments You Hold in Your IRA Than in Your 401k. For Example, Most 401k Plans Offer a Slate of Mutual Funds and/or Exchange Traded Funds From Which to Choose. You Are Typically Limited to Choosing From Among Those Funds. A Self-Directed IRA Will Allow You to Choose From Many Different Types of Investments. These Investments May Range From Stocks, Bonds, Mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds, CD’s, Treasuries and Encompass the Full Spectrum of Investments.

Some 401k Plans Offer Brokerage Windows Within the 401k Plan. Meaning the Ability to Break Out a Pre-Determined Percentage of Your Entire 401k Account Into a Self-Directed Brokerage Account. Such 401k Plans are Generally Exceptions. Most Employers are Unwilling to Take on the Degree of Liability these Plans May Require of Them.

3. Fees: Fees May be Lower or Higher If You Rollover Your 401k Plan Into an IRA. 401k Plans Have Several Layers of Expenses. From a 30,000 Foot View They Include but are Not Limited to:

A. Third Party Administration Also Known as Record Keeping:

The Role of Your Third-Party Administrator is to Break Out Your Investment Balances Held in Your 401k Plan into Your 401k Account. Third Party Administrators Charge a Per Employee or Per Participant Flat Fee Subject to a Certain Minimum Fee. They May Also Charge Fees for Plan Features Such as Plan Loans.

Administrators Charge Fees for Accounting for a 401k Such as Filling Form 5500. The Tax Form for the Plan. They Also do Testing for the Plan Such as Discrimination Testing. This Certifies to Regulators Your Company’s 401k Plan is Operated for the Benefit of All of the Employees Who Participate in the Plan. Not Just Executive or Key Employees.

B. Custodial or Account Fees:

Your Company’s 401k Plan is Custodied or Housed at a Bank, Brokerage or Other Financial Institution. Fees Charged by the Custodian May Include Account Fees, Trading Fees and Operational Fees Related to the Administration of the Investments in Your Company’s Plan.

C. Investment Expenses:

The Investments Held Within Your Plan Carry Fees and Expenses. These Can Range from Mutual Fund Management Fees, Sales Charges, Marketing Charges from Mutual Funds Such as 12b1 Fees, Mutual Fund Redemption Fees and Transaction Fees. If Your Plan Allows Other Types of Investments There are Fees Associated with Those Investments.

D. Investment Education:

Your Company has a Responsibility to Provide Investment Education to You About How to Invest in Your Plan. There May be Costs Associated With Providing this Education to You.

E. Advisory Fees:

Your Company May Engage the Services of Investment Advisory Firms, Attorneys and Accountants to Advise on Matters Relating to Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Your Company’s 401k Plan.

You May Also be Given the Option to Hire an Investment Advisor, Financial Advisor or Financial Planner to Personally Advise You About the Investments in Your 401k Plan.

F. Asset Based Fees:

Depending on the Provider of Your Company’s 401k Plan. There May be an Asset Based Fee. Based on the Total Value of the Entire 401k plan.

This Gives You a Basic Outline of the Fees You May Pay for Your 401k Plan. Your Company May Pay Some or All of These Fees or Your Company May Require You to Pay These Fees Out of Your 401k Plan Account. Your Company’s 401k Plan May Also be Provided by a Bundled Service Provider. In This Case, Certain Costs and Fees May Not be Explicitly Stated. They are Included as Part of the Overall Cost of the Plan. You Should Compare the Fees Your Retirement Plan Charges to the Fees You Would Pay at Your IRA Custodian.

Account Fees Charged in Your IRA Account May be Subject to a Minimum Account Value. Additionally, The Fees You Pay for Your Investments Held in Your IRA May be Charged for Differently Than in Your 401k. In IRA Accounts, Stocks May Carry a Commission. Purchases of Individual Bonds May be Charged for on a Principal Basis. Where Their Price is Based on the Yield of the Bond. You May be Told There is No Commission Because the Charge is Subtracted from the Yield on the Bond.

Bonds May Also be Charged for on an Agency Basis Where You do Pay a Commission. CD’s May be Charged for on a Principal or Agency Basis. Mutual Funds May Carry a Sales Charge.

The Type of Financial Institution You Choose to Custody Your IRA. May Impact the Fees You Pay for Your IRA. Fees Vary From Financial Institution to Financial Institution. Your Choice of Brokerage Firm, Discount Brokerage, Bank, Insurance Company or Other Organization Will to a Large Degree Determine the Level of Service, Advice, Cost and Investment Choices Available to You in Your IRA.

Some of the Benefits of Holding Your Retirement Investments in Your 401k Include But Are Not Limited to:

1. No Investment Minimums: Specific Investments Such as Mutual Funds May Require a Minimum Investment. 401k Plans Generally Waive the Minimum Investment and Allow Allocations of Your 401k Account Contributions from Dollar One.

2. Asset Protection: 401k Plans are Held Under the Auspices of a Pension Trust Account. Generally, Assets Held in Pension Trust Accounts Hold a Protected Status and Can be More Difficult for a Creditor to Lay Claim to. Assets Held in IRA Accounts. Generally, are Not Afforded the Same Degree of Protection.

3. Pre-Tax Contributions: Contributions Made to a 401k Account Are Made Pre–Tax for Federal Income Tax Purposes.

In the Process of Making Your Decision About Rolling Over Your 401k or Not. You Should Pay Particular Attention to the Purpose for Which You Are Rolling Over. For Example: Are You Rolling Over to a Roth IRA? Converting to a Roth May Carry Tax Consequences. Is Your Goal to Make a Charitable Contribution? Is Your Rollover a Lump Sum Distribution Funding Your Retirement? The Rules Around Rollovers Can Get Complex. You May Want to Consult Your Attorney, Accountant and Investment Advisor.

Additionally, Assets in Individual Retirement Accounts and 401k Plans Flow to Your Heirs by Beneficiary Designation. Always Remember to Make These Designations. If You Find You Are a Beneficiary of 401k Plan Assets. You May Want to Consider an Inherited IRA Account.

At The Investment Advisor We Help Guide You Through the Planning Process. Work With Your Attorney and Accountant if You Have Them. Help You Find Them if You Don’t. Help You Develop a Plan to Help You Accumulate the Money You Need to Secure Your Retirement. Help You Implement Your Plan in Concert with Your Attorney, Accountant and Family Members. Educate You About How to Manage Your Retirement Savings.

Questions? Concerns?


The Investment Advisor

We Help Improve Your Life

Phone: 570-815-0770.

Email: lwolkenstein@theinvestmentadvisor.net

Website: https://www.theinvestmentadvisor.net/request-consultation.ht…

This communication should not under any circumstance be construed as a recommendation for any security or any type of financial planning activity. Recommendations are only made in individual consultation with each client. After the individual and unique circumstances of each client have been disclosed by the client to The Investment Advisor.

How to Pay For College Without Wrecking Your Retirement

Posted by & filed under College Planning, Education Planning, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning.

The Investment Advisor Offers Financial Education and Training About How to Pay for Your Children’s and Grandchildren’s College Education. It is Important to Start Planning Early.

This Training Covers:

How Much Money Will Your Children or Grandchildren Need to Attend College?

The Types of Accounts Available to You to Save and Invest for College Education?

The In State Versus Out of State Tuition Decision?

Which Accounts Allow Your College Savings and Investments to Grow Tax Deferred?

What Types of Investments Will Create Income to Save for College and Pay College Expenses Tax Free?

How Gifting Funds to Your Children and Grandchildren Income Tax Free Can Reduce the Value of Your Taxable Estate and Help Pay For College?   

How to Ensure the Funds You Have Set Aside for College Can be Used for a Second Child if Your First Child Does Not Go to College?

How to Reallocate Your College Savings for Financial Goals Like Retirement if None of Your Children Go to College?  

How to Qualify for Financial Aid?  

Federal and State Grants and Tax Incentives to Help Students Attend College?

Call The Investment Advisor at 1-877-414-9021


Request to Schedule at https://www.theinvestmentadvisor.net/request-consultation.html  


Retirement Savings Changes You Should Know About for 2023-24

Posted by & filed under Investment Portfolio Management for Less, Legislation and Regulation Affecting Investments, Retirement Planning, Retirement Plans, Tax Advisory.

Retirement Enhancement (Secure) 2.0 Act introduces provisions that will affect retirement savings plans, including individual retirement accounts and workplace 401(k)s. The Secure 2.0 Act was passed this past December to build off the Secure Act of 2019. Some changes will take effect this year, with more provisions coming into effect between 2024 and 2027. The act’s focus is to improve conditions for retirement savings.

Changes for 2023:

Age for Mandated Annual Withdrawals Raised

The age for taking the mandated annual withdrawals known as required minimum distributions (RMDs) was raised from 72 to 73. Individuals who were subject to the previous rules must maintain their current schedule. Further, in 2033, the age for taking RMDs will increase from 73 to 75.

Lesser Sanctions for Missed RMDs

The penalty for missed RMDs has been reduced from 50% to between 25% and 10% if addressed promptly. The opportunity for correction is two years, beginning at the end of the year in which the RMD should have been completed. You can also request a waiver of any penalty by filing Form 5239 with the Internal Revenue Service.

Statute of Limitations on Missed RMDs

This limits the period in which the Internal Revenue Service can impose a penalty. The statute of limitations for missed RMDs is three years and six years from the end of the year that excess contributions were made.

After-tax Retirement Contributions

Roth contributions can now be made to Simple IRAs and Simplified Employee Pensions (SEPs) after tax. Previously, contributions to both Simple IRAs and SEPs had to be made pretax.

Employer Matching Contributions to a Roth Account

At the employee’s discretion, contributions made by an employer can be made as a Roth. However, the employee pays income tax on this contribution.

Added Exceptions to 10% Early Distribution Penalty

Additional exceptions have been made for the 10% early distribution penalty for withdrawals from a retirement account before the age of 59 ½. These exceptions include terminal illness, net income attributable to excess contributions and distributions in the event of a qualified disaster. Up to $22,000 a year.

One-Time Charitable Contribution up to $50,000

A charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder unitrust and a charitable remainder annuity trust is allowed under the new provision. Before, no benefits were given when making charitable contributions.

Changes for 2024:

Catch up Contributions will be Indexed for Inflation

The $1,000 catch up contribution to IRAs and 401(k)s for individuals 50 and older will be indexed for inflation. This should further strengthen the principle of this provision helping individuals who might not have saved as much when they were younger.

Qualified Charitable Contributions to be Indexed for Inflation

Previously, there were no benefits for these charitable contributions. Now, this $50,000 contribution will be indexed for inflation. This provision expands on the types of charities that can receive the qualified charitable contributions.

529 Beneficiaries Now Can Roll Over into a Roth IRA

If a beneficiary of a 529 education savings plan has excess funds in their account after the fact. They can now roll over the amount up to $35,000 into a Roth IRA. However, the 529 plan must have been in place for 15 years for this rollover to be possible.

Roth 401(k) Contributions No Longer Subject to RMDs During Owners Lifetime

Roth contributions are no longer subject to RMDs since the money has already been taxed. However, if you are required to take an RMD in 2023 you still have to do so. Failure to take your RMD will result in a 25% penalty on the amount you should have withdrawn.

Employer Matching Contributions can be Made on Student Loan Payments

Employers can now match student loan payments as if they were matching a 401(k) contribution. This should bolster growth as an attractive incentive for employers to reign in new talent to their firms.

Further Exceptions to 10% Early Distribution Penalty

Additional exceptions have been made for the 10% early distribution penalty for withdrawals from a retirement account before the age of 59 ½. These exceptions include financial emergencies, up to $1,000 a year and for victims of domestic abuse, up to $10,000 a year indexed for inflation.

If you have questions or concerns call The Investment Advisor at 1-877-414-9021.

or Request A Consultation at https://www.theinvestmentadvisor.net/request-consultation.html

Are You Concerned About the Cost of a University Education?

Posted by & filed under Education Planning.

May be an image of 5 people

College education financial planning is the process of determining how much money you will need to pay for college and how you will pay for it. It is important to start planning early.

Financial planning strategies may include:

529 plans. A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged savings plan designed to encourage saving for future education costs. Earnings on investments in a 529 plan grow tax-deferred, and withdrawals are tax-free when used to pay for qualified education expenses.

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). A Coverdell ESA is another tax-advantaged savings plan designed to encourage saving for future education costs. Earnings on investments in a Coverdell ESA grow tax-deferred, and withdrawals are tax-free when used to pay for qualified education expenses.

Custodial Accounts.

Trusts and Accounts designed to help pay for a college education. Recoup the investment if your child or grandchild decides not go to college.

Use the funds for a younger child or grandchild who will go to college after your older child decides not to attend.

Scholarships. Scholarships are free money that can be used to pay for college. There are many different types of scholarships available, so it’s important to do your research and find scholarships that you’re eligible for.

Grants. Grants are also free money that can be used to pay for college. Grants are awarded based on financial need,.

Loans. Loans are a way to borrow money to pay for college. Loans have to be repaid, so they should be used as a last resort.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to Education Planning. The best strategy for you will depend on your individual circumstances.

Schedule a no cost initial consultation so we can help you pay for your son’s, daughter’s or your grandchild’s College Education on our Request a Consultation page at https://www.theinvestmentadvisor.net/request-consultation… or call 877-414-9021

You Are a Physician

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You are a Physician. Your Smart, You Work Long Hours and You Help People.

When it Comes to Your Financial Position You Haven’t Spent Much Time on it.

Because You are Busy.

Your Concerned About Growing Your Net Worth and Income,

For Retirement,

Buying the Home You Have Always Wanted or Paying for the One You Have,

Making Sure Your Kids Go to a Good School Without Debt.

We Understand the Planning and Investment Needs of Physicians Like You.

The Investment Advisor, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisory Firm Dedicated to Helping You Improve Your Life. We provide the Advice and Recommendations to Help You Succeed. We Put Your Interests Front and Center Above Our Own. Because We Work for You. No One Else.

We Improve Your Life, by Helping You Grow Your Net Worth and Income. By Integrating the Accounting, Legal and Investment Advice You Need into Your Financial Picture. So, You and Your Family Achieve What You Want and Help You Protect What You Have Built.

So, You Can Devote Your Time to What Matters Most to You.

You Know Medicine, We Know Finance.

Contact Us at https://theinvestmentadvisor.net/request-consultation.html

Or Call Us at (877) 414-9021

Plan to Manage Your Health Care-If You Don’t No One Will-Plan and Live Longer

Posted by & filed under Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Financial Planning, Health Care Products and Services, HealthCare, Retirement Planning.

Heath Care and Retirement: A Great Transfer of Risk to You.

The Investment Advisor is Offering Advance Financial Training-As Well as Insight and Analysis About Health Care and Long Term Care Planning.

You may be aware. There have been a number of concerns involving health care and the quality of care people receive in nursing homes and with home health care. Recovering from illness or disability. Especially, in today’s medical, economic and legal climate. Requires careful advance planning. In Pennsylvania, that means five years in advance of any life changing health event for it to be effective. Not only from an estate planning perspective. Where you create your documents. Such as a will, powers of attorney and a trust if you need it.

From an educational perspective. So, you and your power of attorney are armed with the education and information you need to navigate the medical and long term care system. So, you can recover.

Successful navigation and recovery from health problems. Which requires modifying your residence, seeking professional medical help in your residence or changing your location of your residence. Is not something only the elderly experience. It can happen to a CEO, a business owner, your employees, a son, a daughter, a grandparent, a parent or yourself. At any age.

From home-to hospital-to nursing home-or back home again with home health care. Considering how the medical industry so poorly handles this. Requires advance education and training.

Not only for you. But for your confidante and power of attorney. So, your advocate has the resources, information and training they need to protect your health, your medical, financial and legal interests.

But, make no mistake about it. You need your physicians in your corner. As well as an attorney, CPA, financial and investment advisor to represent your interests.

45% of Americans under the age of 65 and 70% of those over 65 will need long term care in their lifetimes. One of the biggest problems in Long Term Care. Is that hospitals are sending people to facilities or back home. Where hospitals, nursing homes and home health care agencies. Lack the staff, financial resources and the will to properly take care of their patients.

Many of these facilities have been or are in financial distress. Coupled with a world where your health insurance benefits can be exhausted in as few as 30 days. Puts the ball squarely in your court. To make sure you get the treatment and care you need.

According to Fidelity, a retired couple will need to pay $315,000 in out of pocket health care expenses. If you are like most Americans, health care is expected to be one of your largest expenses in retirement, after housing and transportation costs. But unlike your parents’ generation, you won’t likely have access to employer sponsored retiree health benefits. So health care costs will likely consume a larger portion of your retirement budget—and you need to plan for that.

There are a number of drivers behind this mounting retirement health care cost challenge. In general, people are living longer, health care inflation continues to outpace the rate of general inflation, and the average retirement age is 62 for most Americans—that’s 3 years before you are eligible to enroll in Medicare.

“Health care is creating a ‘retirement cost gap’ for many pre-retirees,” says Steve Feinschreiber, senior vice president of the Financial Solutions Group at Fidelity. “Many people assume Medicare will cover all your health care cost in retirement, but it doesn’t. So you should carefully weigh all options.”

Receiving treatment and care is intertwined with your ability to pay for your health care. If you can’t pay for it you don’t receive it. Being able to pay for it does not guarantee it will be available to you.

If you have an interest in education and training for your business, your family or yourself about Health Care and Long Term Care. Please contact Louis Wolkenstein, Managing Principal of The Investment Advisor at 1-877-414-9021.

or Request a Consultation at https://www.theinvestmentadvisor.net/request-consultation.html

The Investment Advisor, LLC does not provide legal, accounting or medical advice.

Investment Risk-A Matter of Great Importance

Posted by & filed under Portfolio Management.

Are you concerned about your level of risk in your retirement plan, your son’s and daughter’s education fund and your investments and savings in your personal accounts? Have you been uncertain as events like the recent banking crises, the debt limit crises, the direction of interest rates and moves in assets values have fluctuated? Are you concerned about inflation and the ability of your savings to maintain Its buying power? Is Your portfolio positioned for a bull market, a recession, stagflation or a bear market?   

Two camps of thought regarding the direction of the markets have emerged. Doomsayers predict a dramatic market drop coinciding with the unparalleled increase in U.S. Debt. This doomsday scenario calls for dramatic increases in unemployment, high interest rates and high inflation.

On the other side of the coin. A bull market case is being made which advocates that a new leg of the bull market is taking shape. Based on an improved job market, the strength of the underlying economy and inflation falling. Therefore, the Federal Reserve has been able to taper back the stimulus of quantitative easing and hold Interest rates steady in Its last meeting in June. While the Fed waits to assess the impact of the dramatic increase in interest rates over the last year. 

Which may be propelling a run up in asset prices. Which in turn is helping to fuel the economic recovery and perhaps set the stage for more interest rate increases. This bull market case asserts the accelerating bull market will further fuel the economy. Perhaps leading the Fed to raise short term interest rates further. As the bull market promotes further spending and pushes inflation higher.

The Investment Advisor provides comprehensive, ongoing, investment management and supervision of client portfolios and accounts. The Investment Advisor serves families, individuals, small business, mid-sized business, trusts, estates and retirement plans such as: 401k’s, 403b’s, Profit Sharing Plans, Money Purchase Plans, SIMPLE Plans, Simplified Employer Plans, Keogh Plans, Defined Benefit Plans and Non-Qualified Retirement Plans.

The Investment Philosophy of The Investment Advisor is based on a view of the resilience of the American Economy. The Investment Advisor believes it is important to understand the impact economic restructuring and the 4th Industrial Revolution have on investing and its implications for different asset classes.

The Investment Advisor Believes In:

The underlying strength and vitality of the American Economy.

Despite the economic and political turmoil the United States and other parts of the world have experienced the underlying principles of investing have not changed.

Assessment of economic, legislative, and regulatory changes.

The resulting impact for interest rates, the value of the dollar, industry, federal, state and local governments and the full spectrum of investments.

The Investment Advisor believes Your Financial Health depends on:

Your ability to access objective, current, informed opinions and advice regarding the securities held in your investment portfolio.  

Your choice of the financial institution that holds and custodies your financial assets.  

We Are Interested in Hearing on What Side of the Debate You Fall and How We Can Help?

Call The Investment Advisor at 1-877-414-9021

or Request A Consultatation at  https://www.theinvestmentadvisor.net/request-consultation.html

This article should not in any way be construed as a recommendation to be acted upon. Recommendations are only made when you the client discloses to The Investment Advisor your unique personal situation and circumstances.

Get Back on Track

Posted by & filed under Asset Protection, Education Planning, Estate Planning, Financial Planning, Get Back on Track, HealthCare, Investment Portfolio Management for Less, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, Retirement Plans, Retirement Plans.

Get Back on Track

Get Back on Track:

Have you positioned your investments for this part of the ecnonomic cycle?

Are you prepared to manage the risk?

Will you grow your net worth?

Will you create the income you need?

This is why we are inviting you to take advantage of our Get Back on Track Coupon.

It’s our way of offering you a second opinion. With a complimentary consultation at no charge.

The Investment Advisor-We Help Improve Your Life.

call 1-877-414-9021.